15 November 2009

New Beginnings

New blog, new season, new adventures, new thoughts.  This might be a good place to start.  Having just returned from a dream weekend in the tiny but robust Abbirim village I am inspired to begin a new chapter of my life. Which makes this whole thing sound a lot heavier than it is.  Bottom line- I wanted to blog, too!

What's my story?  I sort of, accidentally left New York and moved to Israel nearly 9 months ago.  I say accidentally because I had no intention of moving here when I came on my Taglit trip in March, (although those who know me well enough have apparently predicted all along that I would stay in Israel).  The plan was merely a few weeks of travel with my co-jew/best friend Yonatan in the land of his birth.  One thing led to another and we were suddenly living in Tel Aviv and looking for jobs.  How this happened is a story I will get to another time...

Cut to present day: Yonatan is studying in Akko living inside the old city and I am now happily situated in the Mugen Commune in central Tel Aviv. There are technically 4 of us in the house although at any given time we often swell to 7 or 8. Frankly, this is how we like it.  Its a jam packed adventure-in-living, full of family dinners, impromptu lyrical genius, and of course a built-in support system of friends all around.  This (i hope) will be the fodder for much of this blog.  Let's call it "adventures in jew-land"?  These stories along with guest blogging from my housemates, recipes we've tested, projects we do, trips we go on will also be featured.  More soon my friends.

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