08 December 2009

The Follow Thru

Consistency has never been my strong suit.  I start something, quickly become overly obsessed by it, and then just as quickly I fall out of love and begin to hate whatever 'it' was.  I started this  blog nearly a month ago, thought about it a lot without actually adding to it, and worried that perhaps I was losing interest.  But then I said to myself, "No, not this time!" (actually it was probably more along the lines of - "Stop youtubing old episodes of Kitchen Nightmare's starring Gordon Ramsey and write an entry on your blog!")  

Here I am, and here it goes:
Just got back from a two week trip to New York. I have been living in Israel for 9 months without visiting NY even once, so this was a real treat. I galavanted around the city like an old pro...bopping from place to place, friend to friend. Trying my very best to take in all the things I had missed.  From walking over the Brooklyn Bridge to spending the morning at the Met.  

Halfway thru the trip my aunt gave me a Flip video camera for hanukah - this changed everything (cause I had misplaced my actual camera somewhere between tel aviv and ny) and I began filming my days...often at the chagrin of my friends, trying to capture what it's like to wander the city without a care. 

See, going there on this visit was very different then living there full time (for all the obvious reasons).  Instead of stressing about NY I was able to enjoy it in all its glory.  I might have elbowed a few slowwalkingtouristswearingpinkanduggs in typical new york fashion - but all in all I was in a jolly good mood and walked around the city with a normal face (instead of my usual new york/don't talk to me/i'm in a rush/i'm in more of a rush than YOU are face.)

Videos of visit coming as soon as i can figure out how to edit them properly. making this entry a bit of a failure - but hey! at least i'm trying...

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